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Most common Windows problems, blue screens, hangups, errors that can accure on your Windows OS: |
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903234 - An update is available to optimize the way that the Volume Shadow Copy Service client accesses snapshots in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP
891070 - Packet-writing programs for optical media recording devices run slower than expected on Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computers
889073 - The IIS and SMTP services do not start when you deploy a Windows XP SP2 Sysprep image on your Windows XP SP2-based computer
889320 - When you disable the Windows Firewall service on your Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer, the Computer Browser service stops after five minutes and Event ID 7023 is logged in the Event Viewer
888092 - You may receive an error message in module Mshtml.dll and Internet Explorer quits when you run a custom Web program in Internet Explorer 6
887816 - Changes in behavior of the SysPrep and RIPREP tools after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
887170 - You experience problems when you disconnect a single IEEE 1394 device from a computer that is running Windows XP SP2
885898 - Initialization phase of a Setup program may take longer than expected to complete in Windows XP
885885 - You cannot use infrared communications to transfer files on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2
867795 - 100 percent of your CPU usage is consumed when you run WinSNMP on a Windows XP-based computer
886809 - Live video conversations in chat sessions may be choppy after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
888603 - Update to disable Volume Shadow Copy Service restore options on Terminal Server client computers that are running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
887186 - Logon process takes an unexpectedly long time to complete in Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Windows XP Service Pack 2
888432 - A component that runs in the same process as the Windows Time service is stopped or is disabled unexpectedly in Windows XP
887589 - You receive a 0x0000008E Stop error message when you cancel a print job in Windows XP
884562 - Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) are slow or do not play at all in Windows XP or Windows 2000
885270 - A program that calls the DhcpRequestParams function may not work correctly on your Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer
886659 - You may receive an access violation in Cmd.exe or in Command.com when you send command prompt output in Windows XP SP1, in Windows XP SP2, or in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
888321 - A Stop 50 error may occur in Scsiport.sys when you try to add a SCSI device or a PCI storage device to a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 2
884862 - User authentication may take one to two minutes when you log on to the network in Windows XP
888413 - Windows XP stops responding and you receive a stop error message after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2
887535 - A user may log on successfully after a smart card certificate is revoked or after their user account is disabled in Windows XP
819575 - Access violation may occur in CoDisconnectObject
889321 - A third-party program may stop responding after you install the 884879 hotfix in Windows XP or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
900732 - The "Never Dial a Connection" option that you configure in an Internet Explorer Maintenance policy is not implemented in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows XP Professional
894472 - Third-party programs that require lots of memory do not run in Windows XP Service Pack 2
899588 - MS05-039: Vulnerability in Plug and Play could allow remote code execution & elevation 893066 - MS05-019: Vulnerabilities in TCP/IP could allow remote code execution and denial of service
319740 - MFC applications leak GDI objects on computers that are running Windows XP
888302 - MS05-007: Vulnerability in Windows could allow information disclosure |
885894 - Computer stops responding when you try to install an update in Windows XP Service Pack 2
885464 - SBP-2 drive stops responding when you try to write data in Windows XP
885932 - Internet Explorer stops responding or crashes, and you receive an access violation in Vgx.dll, when you view a Web page in Internet Explorer 6.0
885222 - Performance of 1394 devices may decrease after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2
884838 - You receive a "Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close." error message when two pop-up windows appear at the same time in Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
884883 - Multiple versions of Comctl32.dll may cause both Windows XP style and Windows Classic style windows to appear in Windows XP
884538 - You receive a "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" error message when you run a custom Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 program in Windows XP
885295 - AOL file downloads may abruptly stop or AOL broadband connections may be dropped after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2
889334 - File upload in Internet Explorer 6 to a Web page may time out or take longer than expected to complete in Windows XP Service Pack 2
885443 - Stop:0x00000082 occurs after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 on Windows XP
889085 - "Show only specified control panel applets" policy does not display applets that use dynamic icons in Windows XP Service Pack 2
872789 - Logging off or restarting the computer after switching users may cause Windows XP to stop responding
816045 - A fast link may be detected as a slow link because of network ICMP policies
870997 - Windows XP and Windows 2000 clients that share a single organizational unit stop responding or spontaneously restart
883483 - Only the first page of a Rich Text Format (RTF) document may preview or print in an application that uses Msftedit.dll on a Windows XP-based computer
885865 - Other computers on the network cannot connect to your Windows XP Service Pack 2-based DHCP client computer after you log on to a network that is running the DHCP Server service |
Most common Windows problem , blue screen , hangup , error, that can accure on your Windows OS, Windows XP Service Pack 3 Download, Windows update Download, Solutions for windows problems, Fix Windows problems |